Scout Hut – Farewell old friend!

The old hut is coming down! You’ve served us well! The demolition of the scout hut has now begun and will take approximately 2 weeks to complete. Due to access constraints a skip has had to be left during the day 1/2 way down the lane but will be removed...

Oxford offers land to trial community-led housing scheme

Oxford City Council is to provide land to pilot a community-led housing project in a bid to tackle the local housing crisis. The proposal will see the council provide a long-term lease to a community group so they could build new homes on a small unused garage site in...

Minute silence

10th November On Remembrance Sunday over 100 people attended the service and wreath laying at the war memorial at Combe Road junction. The rain held off whilst people showed their respect to the victims of war. 11th November 2019 marked 100 years since the two-minute...

Folk mix

Another enjoyable evening at the White Horse with a great mix of music. Judith and Nick guided a super evening with a wide range of music. We all look forward to the next evening on 4th December.

CALA Homes withdraw

The Parish Council has been advised that CALA Homes will not be taking the matter any further with regards to the housing in Stonesfield. Parish Clerk

Owls in St James’ Centre

Stonefield Garden Club meeting, on October 14th, was a real treat. The turnout was pretty good in spite of the dire weather forecast although, as frequently happens, reality was not nearly as bad. Stonefield Garden Club members and a few visitors (always welcome)...

Stonesfield Common

Now that the summer is over and the wild flowers have set their seeds it’s time to graze the common. Unfortunately the shepherd who has let his sheep graze the common the last few years isn’t prepared to put them on the common because of the number of uncontrolled...

Entertaining evening

Wednesday 4th September heralded another great evening of music, song and poetry at the White Horse. Judith and Nick led the proceedings as Stonesfield locals gather to entertained or be entertained. Next Folk Evening is 2nd October.

Sun shines on Stonesfield ducks

From 5pm on Saturday 20th July adults and children from Stonesfield, and around, gathered by the Evenlode in the early evening sunshine. The bar was open, burgers and hotdogs were on the grill and a range of cakes were on offer. At the same time duck tickets were...

Successful Open Gardens

Sunday June 30th arrived and so did the sun. It was a glorious day for Stonefield Open Gardens, sunny but without the baking heat of the day before. Over 200 people took advantage of the summer weather and explored the selection of eleven gardens that were open for...

Farewell Tony

At The White Horse this evening there was a short presentation to Tony, our retiring milkman. A lot of residents turned out to say thank you to Tony for his services to the village and present him with the results of their collection. Tony’s family were there to see...

Counting Meadow Clary

Tuesday evening saw a group of volunteers out on the common, counting Meadow Clary. Stonesfield Common is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and it is the Meadow Clary that contribute to its SSSI status. For more about Meadow Clary click...

CALA appeal dismissed

Stephen Normington, the Inspector appointed by The Secretary of State, has dismissed Cala Homes appeal against refusal of their planning application for land north of Woodstock Road. Amongst the many reasons for judgement, he decided “that it would cause significant...