Earlier in 2022, a small group of residents started talking about their shared passion for the environment in and around Stonesfield. This quickly accelerated, and we have now formed ourselves into the Stonesfield Environmental Group. We have strong links to SUSTO and a number of other groups in the village but with our own distinct focus. Our aim is to carry out projects and campaigns that will protect maintain or improve the woodlands, rivers, hedgerows, wildlife and biodiversity in and around the village. We also hope to become a coordination point for the many people with conservation expertise in the village.
The beauty of the natural environment is one of Stonesfield’s greatest assets, highly prized by village residents and visitors, but it is under threat from pollution and a loss of biodiversity and habitat. We have identified a number of projects that we want to pursue immediately. We want to address the terrible sewerage dumping and water quality in the Evenlode, we want to plant a new tree for every Stonesfield resident over the next 3 years to improve biodiversity, and we have offered our support in the development of the environmental aspects of the new Neighbourhood Plan.
We believe that raising community awareness about what is going on in our local environment is important to preserving it for the future. So, we will report our activities here in the Slate on a regular basis.
Anyone interested in finding out more about our projects or in joining our group please contact Julie Curran (juliecurran0@gmail.com)
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