Thank you to everyone who supported the Stonesfield Spring Clean (litter pick) on Sunday 8th March.

It was another fantastic turnout with approx. 50 volunteers tackling the village streets/roads, with a further 14 Stonesfield Scout Group Beavers (and their leaders/parents) tidying the playing fields and playground.

We even had six litter picking visitors (registered via the Spring Clean website) from as far afield as Milton Keynes and Leicestershire!

Overall, there was slightly less litter than in 2019 but the zone/roads leading out of the village towards Fawler and the Common were particularly bad.

Interesting find of 2020 was a toilet! Along with lots of car parts – some fallen off, some dumped. (Find of 2019 was a fridge.) There is now a huge collated pile in the Village Hall car park which will be collected by UBICO/WODC tomorrow (Monday) morning.

Final thanks to the SSSC for opening up early and supplying us with tea, coffee, and bacon baps. And Richard and Julie Grime for collecting everything in for us!

Thanks again. Jess