Mar 24, 2021 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
The next elections within the area of West Oxfordshire are on Thursday 6 May 2021, when there will be elections for: 10 seats on Oxfordshire County Council 17 seats on West Oxfordshire District Council 147 seats on 22 Town and Parish councils the Police and Crime...
Mar 7, 2021 | Parish Council news
Stonesfield’s Spring Clean! Litter pickers now available to borrow to clean up our community Stonesfield Parish Council have invested in 15 litter pickers and a supply of rubbish/recycling sacks for all members of the Stonesfield community to help tidy up our village...
Mar 4, 2021 | Parish Council news
Stonesfield Parish Council would really like to see us have a community responder in our rural village. Would you be interested in becoming one? Please read on for further information from South Central Ambulance Service. Community and Co-Responders – South...
Mar 4, 2021 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
This is to let you know details of the key dates for residents to be aware of for the upcoming local elections on 6 May. We would appreciate your support in helping share these messages with your local residents so they are aware of what they need to do and when so...
Feb 12, 2021 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
We have been advised that some works will start from 15th February – Combe Road will be the first area that works take place. Gigaclear invests in rural communities providing full fibre broadband to premises. Approx. 658 homes in Stonesfield would be covered by...
Feb 10, 2021 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Planning: 20/03527/FUL – Farley Lane Dear residents, We are aware that the yellow notice has not gone up for this planning application at Farley Lane. West Oxfordshire planning department have been notified on numerous occasions and they have not issued the...
Dec 18, 2020 | Parish Council meetings, Parish Council news
Stonesfield Parish Council would like to wish everyone in the Parish a very Happy Christmas. We hope that everyone remains safe and well. The clerk and most councillors will be taking a break over Christmas. Emails will not be routinely checked after 18th December...
Dec 11, 2020 | Parish Council news
At the last Parish Council meeting it was agreed to ask to renew The White Horse as an Asset of Community Value. Stonesfield Parish Council has now submitted documents to West Oxfordshire District Council to renew the Asset of Community Value for The White Horse pub...
Oct 16, 2020 | Parish Council news
Following Cllr David Browns’ resignation as Chair Stonesfield Parish Council we can confirm that Cllr Phil McArdell has been elected as the new Chairman to the council in the October full council meeting. Cllr David Brown has been elected as Vice Chair. Other...
Sep 2, 2020 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
The Environment Agency, Land and Water team has confirmed to the Parish Council that the river Evenlode is not designated as a bathing water. The Environment Agency closely monitors the quality of bathing waters to ensure the level of water quality are being met and...
Aug 3, 2020 | Parish Council news
Cllr Ian Hudspeth report August 2020.pdf
Jul 28, 2020 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Stonesfield Parish Council has received several emails requesting that the Parish Council supports the White Horse Community Pub group bid. It is not possible to reply to everybody individually so please accept this as a formal acknowledgement of your emails....
Jul 15, 2020 | Parish Council news, SAFER
The attached report consolidates a number of local road safety initiatives to present the case for reducing speeding in Stonesfield and making the village safer. These initiatives form part of the overall high level ‘Road Safety Strategy for Stonesfield.’...
Jul 13, 2020 | Parish Council news
Cllr Hudspeth report July2020.pdf
Jul 10, 2020 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
It is now apparent that, once again, a buyer is sought for The White Horse and if this does not happen the site may eventually be developed for housing and an important hub and meeting place will be lost. We will become a village with no watering-hole, apart from the...