Thames Valley Police urges ‘Slow down this summer’

Thames Valley Police is investigating nine fatal road traffic collisions this May and the Fatal 4 offences are suspected to have been involved in the vast majority of them. In just 19 days between the 9 and 28 May, Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit officers from...

Abingdon among latest areas to get approval

Abingdon has become the latest major Oxfordshire town to adopt 20mph speed limits in residential areas to create safer, healthier and quieter streets. It was one of seven communities to have applications for 20mph limits approved by Oxfordshire County Council’s...

Increased SID coverage

In February the Parish Council’s third Speed Indicator Device (SID) arrived. Now placed on The Ridings at Farley Lane, clearly visible to vehicles entering the village, this is another reminder of the current speed limit. Another SID is outside The White Horse facing...

New Year – new location

Back from repair after January’s vandalism (see separate article), our Speed Indicator Device (SID) is trying out a new location, opposite the White Horse. Clearly visible to vehicles entering the village on The Ridings this is another reminder of the current...

Sad start to New Year

New Year 2023 did not start well, with one of Stonesfield’s Speed Indicator Device (SID) being vandalised. This was the fourth time in three months that the SID covering the Woodstock Road / Combe Road has been attacked. At the same time the 20mph repeater sign...

Operation Holly arrests

Thames Valley Police and Hampshire Constabulary’s Joint Operations Unit made more than 700 arrests across both force areas as part of Operation Holly. From 1 December to 31 December, officers carried out targeted activity in order to stop drivers under the influence...

SID continues its work

On 27 November the SID was returned to its War Memorial site after its temporary relocation due to Remembrance Day services. During its month on Combe Road it recorded vehicles’ average speed as 22mph with a maximum recorded of 55mph. It can be see from the...

SID returns to Combe Road

To ensure the War Memorial was at its best for the November Remembrance Day service the SID was moved off to its Combe Road location. It will stay there for a few weeks as a reminder to drivers entering the village from Combe, which now also has a 20mph limit. It will...

Speed limits are changing in Oxfordshire

20mph is coming. The speed limit is changing in some areas of Oxfordshire. • We want our roads to be safer for our communities • We want cleaner, less polluted air • We want to decrease the risk of someone that we love being involved in a incident. We are changing...

Speed signs return

Oxford County Council (OCC) have reinstalled the two speed signs at the Woodstock Road chicane. They are further reminders to drivers that the new village speed limit is 20mph. The delay was partly because OCC’s supplier, Westcotec, had advised that components...

Community Speedwatch restarts

SAFER’s Community Speedwatch volunteers carried out their first session of 2022 on Wednesday 1st June. The high-vis jackets acted as a deterrent for almost all of the drivers. Now further sessions are planned at Thames Valley Police approved sites throughout the...

The background to 20mph

Ten frequently asked questions. 1. Why 20mph?Approximately 70% of the through roads in Stonesfield have no pavements and there are sections which are not wide enough for two vehicles. The stopping distance of a vehicle travelling at 30mph is twice the distance of a...

Community Speedwatch volunteers wanted

Following successful implementation of the 20mph speed limit, SAFER, the Parish Council road safety working group, is recruiting volunteers to join its Community Speed Watch (CSW) team. We are looking for individuals to help run speed surveys in the village as part of...

Signs of a safer Stonesfield take shape

Installing 20mph signs in Stonesfield On 17 February 2022, works started to replace all the speed limit signage in the village, reducing the limit from 30mph to 20mph. In November 2018 a community-based survey was launched in the village to deal with the concerns of...

Moving to 20mph

On 19 October Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet voted to endorse proposals to make it simpler, quicker and less cost prohibitive to lower speeds to 20mph on most urban areas and village streets in places where it is both suitable and supported by residents. The...