Apr 10, 2019 | SAFER
A team from SAFER today installed a mirror at the Boot Street / Laughton Hill junction. It has been located so those exiting Boot Street have some warning of vehicles approaching up the hill and equally those coming up the hill are aware of vehicles in Boot Street....
Mar 16, 2019 | SAFER
SAFER volunteers have been cleaning all road traffic signs in Stonesfield Above is a sign in Greenfield Road and below is after the clean – revealing it was a warning for the bend! Other signs were almost a bad and some could not be properly clean up or were damaged....
Jan 21, 2019 | SAFER
Stonesfield Action For Enhanced Road Safety (SAFER) was formed in December to work for Stonesfield Parish Council in matters of road safety. This was in response to the report presented at the November Parish Council meeting which outlined the results of the October...