Mar 27, 2023 | Parish Council news
I attach a copy of the “Notice of Election” for the District Council elections scheduled for Thursday 4 May 2023, as you will see this includes the current vacancy for the Ducklington ward. The notice will also be published at the WODC office at Woodgreen and on our...
Mar 16, 2023 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Reminder: Elections will take place on 4 May for Stonesfield Parish Council. Nominations are now open and may be delivered to Council Offices, West Oxfordshire District Council. Witney, OX28 1NB between 27 March and 4pm on 4 April 2023. Nominations can not be accepted...
Feb 23, 2023 | Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
At last! It has finally arrived: your chance to say how you would like Stonesfield to grow over the coming years. In the first few days of March, the Village Survey was delivered to every household in the village. In it you are asked what developments in housing,...
Jan 18, 2023 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
You now need photo ID to vote at a polling station. As part of new laws introduced by the Government, everyone voting at a polling station at this year’s local elections on 4 May will need to show a valid form of ID to be able to vote. Find out more on our website...
Jan 13, 2023 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Stonesfield Parish Council recognises that this proposal is in the initial non-statutory stage of the planning process. Due to this, the information currently provided for Botley West Solar Farm at this stage lacks many of the key facts needed to make an informed...
Jan 9, 2023 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Elections: This year is an election year in Stonesfield! Elections take place in May but forms to get your name on the election list come out end March. What does this mean? It means that ALL seats for the Parish Council are to be re-elected. We need YOU to represent...
Dec 6, 2022 | Parish Council news
Meetings Attended 7th Nov Woodstock Relief in Need 10th Nov Bladon PC 18th Nov Home to school Transport Working Group 21st Nov Site visit Banbury Road Improvements 28th Nov Bladon public Meeting Botley West Solar Meetings Coming up 6th December Mullins Museum 7th Dec...
Sep 20, 2022 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
West Oxfordshire consultation which is seeking to obtain views in a number of areas which are included in local plans. The consultation has arisen due to the political changes which have recently occurred. All Stonesfield residents should be made aware of this as...
Jul 20, 2022 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Dog mess is the most unacceptable and offensive type of litter on our streets. Residents are reminded to clear up after there dogs and take it home or to the nearest dog bin to dispose of it. We have seen an increase in dog mess being left in the village particularly...
Jun 9, 2022 | Parish Council news
In this meeting on 8th June the parish council recoded their formal stance on the pub to confirm that they would like to see it remain as a pub. The parish council RESOLVED that they would like the pub to remain as a pub. It should be noted that the District Council...
May 12, 2022 | Parish Council news
Parish Council meeting is later in the month of May due to the District elections. The Parish Council also has the APM in the month of May. Updates will follow in the June slate and also via the web in the interim. The Parish Councillors are in the process of choosing...
May 10, 2022 | Parish Council news
County Councillor’s ApriMay bulletin.pdf
May 4, 2022 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
The Parish Council has this afternoon received official notification from our lawyers at WODC regarding the notification of intention to dispose of the White Horse Pub. This has been triggered because of the Asset of Community Value. Please find attached a copy of...
Apr 8, 2022 | Parish Council news
I thought I would attach a summary of the year 21/22 as your county councillor. I am sure I have missed out some but this report is a true flavour of my duties and responses to the local parish councils and the communities we jointly represent. Andy Graham Oxfordshire...
Mar 30, 2022 | Parish Council meetings, Parish Council news
Annual Parish Meeting for Stonesfield Parish Council will be on 18th May at 7pm (There will be a short council meeting immediately before the APM at 6.30pm-7pm). The venue is being confirmed but we will advise this in due course (Either St James Centre or the Village...