West Oxfordshire consultation

West Oxfordshire consultation which is seeking to obtain views in a number of areas which are included in local plans. The consultation has arisen due to the political changes which have recently occurred. All Stonesfield residents should be made aware of this as...

Are you OK?

Street harassment is on the rise and is often not an isolated incident. We know the long-term impact can harm mental health and change people’s behaviour. Victims often feel guilty, ashamed, and blame themselves. Witnessing street harassment and not safely intervening...

Stonesfield’s Character

Stonesfielders…old and young (and all those in-between), people who’ve lived here forever or who moved in last month…we need your help. You might have heard that like many other communities up and down the country, some Stonesfield residents have formed a group to...

Shakespeare came to New Barn Farm

Oberon and Titania’s marital mayhem unleashes chaos on four young lovers with disastrous – and hilarious – consequences. Deep in the forest, a troupe of aspiring actors prepare for the most important night of their lives – a command performance...

Beer on the Green – 21 August

Great turnout for Beer on the Green: Sunday 21 August: Lots of people turned out to raise a glass at an informal get together on the green triangle outside the pub on Sunday 21 August. The weather was kind, so people brought a picnic and filled their beer glasses with...

White Horse shares go back on sale

White Horse shares available NOW Our village pub is still shut and the owner, Mr Bowers, has notified us that he has lined up a deal to sell it to a London-based investment company. However, we have triggered a six-month moratorium period which ends on 26 October, and...

Please clean up after your dog

Dog mess is the most unacceptable and offensive type of litter on our streets. Residents are reminded to clear up after there dogs and take it home or to the nearest dog bin to dispose of it. We have seen an increase in dog mess being left in the village particularly...

Temporary Road Closure, High Street; 24 -31 Oct

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Road Closure – at High Street, Stonesfield A request has been received from Southern Gas Network for a temporary road closure to apply to a section of High Street, whilst essential gas...

Coping with the heat

The heat can affect anyone, but some people run a greater risk of serious harm. As our climate changes, hot spells are expected to be more frequent and more intense. This advice provides tips to stay safe in hot weather, including how to keep your home cool. It tells...

2021 Census – preliminary results

In West Oxfordshire, the population size has increased by 9.0%, from around 104,800 in 2011 to 114,200 in 2021. This is higher than the overall increase for England (6.6%), where the population grew by nearly 3.5 million to 56,489,800 At 9.0%, West Oxfordshire’s...

Successful July Repair Cafe

Don’t chuck it… Fix it! The Repair Cafe held its first event in conjunction with the Community Cafe on Saturday 2nd July in the Village Hall. Excellent teas, real coffees and home baking were supplied at the Community Cafe alongside the repairers…by...

Motorcycles in the woods

Blenheim and the Parish Council are aware of motorcyclists going in the woods between Stonesfield and Combe and this has been dealt with by local PCSOs. If residents see this / hear motorcyclists in Stockey Woods we encourage you to please report to the local PCSO,...

Back the White Horse share offer reopens

When can I buy shares? The Share Offer reopened on Monday, 6th June and will initially be open until the 26th October, though we may extend the period if we feel that doing so gives us a realistic chance of securing our maximum targets. How can I buy shares? If you...

Latest on The White Horse

Now that the White Horse is to be sold again, we have the opportunity as a community group to submit a bid to buy it, as we have always aspired to do. While our current funding levels are positive, we do need to raise some more to cover the purchase, the repairs and...