Allotment plot available

Stonesfield Allotments Association There is a plot available on the Woodstock Road site. If you think you may be interested in taking it on, please contact me and we’ll show you around. Jon Gordon Stonesfield Allotments Association Chair 898803 07770 575...

Charbury 20mph limit now in force

Having completed the consultation process, Oxfordshire County Council have now instated a 20mph speed limit in parts of Charlbury. The new 20mph speed limit will cover all the minor roads between Park Street (starting south of the Pre-School), Hixet Wood, Dancers...

Oxford City Local Plan to be adopted

The Planning Inspectorate (PINS) has found Oxford City Council’s local plan sound, subject to a number of main modifications. A full council meeting has been scheduled for 8 June where, if approved, it can be adopted. The plan will underpin all planning applications...

Please bag it and BIN it!

Please can residents and your guests please remember to pick up mess left by your dogs. Farley Lane, Stocky Bottom, the track to the scout hut are particularly bad but it has also been increasing around the village. It is sometimes in bags and left. Please remember...

Slate writing challenge deadline extended to 15 June

We are looking for more stories to print in the Slate over the coming months. The writers of stories printed will receive a book token as a thank you. There are three categories. Up to Year 2: 200 word limit Year 3-6: 500 word limit Years 7-13: 500 word limit The...

Calling all experienced practice nurses!

The NHS is looking to boost its teams in dedicated Covid-19 clinics across the country. Anyone not already working in an Oxfordshire practice but interested in helping care for patients during the pandemic, please complete this quick availability survey and they will...

Free food from SOFEA

I ask for your help to publicise SOFEA, a scheme that will help families in the village. SOFEA is a scheme that works with food producers to take surplus of food that would otherwise be destined for food waste and distribute it through a membership scheme. Members...

Thames Water Communication: re Covid 19

Thames Water Communication: supporting customers and communities in light of Covid 19: “These are difficult times for all of us, and now it’s even more important we do what we can to support the most vulnerable. We would like to inform people in your communities about...

S3 Bus service reduced from 23 March

Revised timetables in operation from Monday 23 March 2020 Following government guidelines advising against unnecessary travel and social contact, temporary timetable are being introduced across our services. The timetables have been carefully created to ensure that...

Library CLOSED from 21 March until further notice

Friends of Stonesfield Library (FoSL) have been informed that all libraries in West Oxfordshire will close from 1pm on Saturday 21st March until further notice. All loans will be extended during this period and people will not incur and fines or charges. The following...

Villager Bus services suspended from 22 March

It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you that we have decided that all Villager Bus services will be suspended from Monday 22nd March. We have not wanted to do this, for the sake of our isolated passengers who depend on our services, but the government...

Successful Stonesfield Spring Clean

Thank you to everyone who supported the Stonesfield Spring Clean (litter pick) on Sunday 8th March. It was another fantastic turnout with approx. 50 volunteers tackling the village streets/roads, with a further 14 Stonesfield Scout Group Beavers (and their...