High Noon at the High Court

For those of you who haven’t heard via the village grapevine, CALA have decided to take their application to build 68 houses on the Woodstock Road to the High Court. When the planning Inspector turned down their appeal against WODC’s decision to refuse their planning...

Sun shines on Stonesfield ducks

From 5pm on Saturday 20th July adults and children from Stonesfield, and around, gathered by the Evenlode in the early evening sunshine. The bar was open, burgers and hotdogs were on the grill and a range of cakes were on offer. At the same time duck tickets were...

Community Speed Watch

Now that Oxfordshire County Council have completed their traffic survey (see separate article for details) SAFER started the Community Speed Watch (CSW) traffic recording using the Traffic Technology radar purchased by Stonesfield Parish Council. This is the equipment...

OCC traffic volume / speed survey

On 19th June, Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) installed four speed / volume measuring devices at locations requested by SAFER. Each location was at least 50m within the 30mph zone . The devices recorded traffic volume and speed, in each direction, on a 24hour basis....