The Stonesfield Parish Council (SPC) would like to announce that Claire Walton has resigned as Councillor with immediate effect. We would like to thank Claire for her short term working as a councillor, she will be missed.

We are extremely pleased to welcome Wendy Gould back to Stonesfield Parish Council. Many of you will know Wendy as she served for a long term as Councillor. She will be an asset to the SPC bringing her knowledge back to the forefront of working with us.

Covid 19 Grant fund:

The Parish Council has a Covid 19 grant fund in place. Voluntary organisations and charities that would like to apply for emergency grants can request a form from the clerkclerk. This must be returned to the clerk no later than the Monday before a Parish Council meeting to be considered.

We are delighted to confirm that we have already provided grants to the Community Mutual Fund and Chrissies Owls.


For the foreseeable future all SPC meetings will be held via Zoom. Members of the public are very welcome to join these meetings. Joining information will be published on the web and also on the agendas prior to every meeting. There is no cost associated with joining the meeting as a member of the public.

The Annual Parish Meeting has been postponed.

Finance / Audit

The Parish Council has appointed auditors for its annual return and review. Details will be published once this is complete.

Grass cutting / bins

Grass cutting and the emptying of bins continues as normal throughout Covid 19


Stonesfield Parish Clerk