Have your say

The Oxfordshire Plan 2050 is a long-term plan that will set a framework for future planning decisions. We want your views on the policies we’ve suggested to help Oxfordshire: Address climate change Improve environmental quality Create strong and healthy communities...

Move Together

I would like to inform you of a new project we are starting called Move Together. The Move Together programme has been created to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable people; especially those with long-term conditions who are experiencing reduced mobility,...

How safe is your electric blanket?

Dear All Parish Councils I have attached this year’s electric blanket testing information, if you can pass this on to your residents we would be most grateful. We want to keep our residents safe, (not just from Covid). This free safety check is important for all...

Gigaclear update – 2 Aug

Please see below the latest works update from MKJ, as always, subject to change. Start End Address 1 Address 2 Traffic Management 31/03/2021 31/08/2021 COMBE ROAD STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 26/07/2021 02/08/2021 HIGH STREET STONESFIELD ROAD CLOSURE 03/08/2021...

Gigaclear online meeting – Aug 17

Please find attached an online event invite for a Gigaclear on-line meeting on Tuesday 17th August at 7.00pm, which all residents in the build will receive via mail next week. This event is to give an update on the project, let residents know some more about us and...

Can you help with ideas?

Work on developing a Village Travel Network (VTN) continues and a recent meeting with Blenheim Palace representatives has secured their support and some funding to start mapping some of the early VTN routes.  The VTN initiative aims to create a network of safer...

Off to the Woodstock Road

After a month on the Combe Road SAFER’s SID was moved to the Woodstock Road to monitor traffic leaving Stonesfield. Although there is already a speed reminder at the village exit, SID records data so will give a clearer idea of what speeds are being done and when....