Your views needed

Walking and cycling in or to Charlbury – your views needed Charlbury Town Council is drawing up a plan for improving walking and cycling conditions in and around Charlbury. To do this, we need to hear from you about places (pavements, crossings, roads, paths) that you...

Stonesfield Community Pub AGM – 12 May NEW

A REVISED DATE The 1st Annual General Meeting of Stonesfield Community Pub will take place on Thursday 12 May at 8.00pm (Stonesfield Village Hall) with refreshments to follow in the social club. Although RSVPs are not necessarily required, please do let us know if you...

New priority on Laughton Hill

Oxfordshire County Council completed the new signage work at Boot Street junction on 8th April. The revised junction layout gives priority to vehicles coming up the hill. Vehicles going down, waiting at the new Give Way position, have a clear view down the hill and...

A tribute to the River Evenlode

A new bench unveiled in Stonesfield Designed by Stonesfield based artists Genny Early and Tony Davis, the artwork represents a willow leaf and the winding stretch of the River Evenlode, from Fawler Mill through to Combe, and features lines from “The Evenlode” poem by...

County Councillor’s 21/22 summary

I thought I would attach a summary of the year 21/22 as your county councillor. I am sure I have missed out some but this report is a true flavour of my duties and responses to the local parish councils and the communities we jointly represent. Andy Graham Oxfordshire...

New signs at Brook Lane

Look out for the new No Parking signs at Brook Lane over Easter, commissioned by the Parish Council and bespokely designed by Genny and Tony of A Blackbird Sang. We think they look amazing. You will also see a new bench at Brook Lane, also designed and made by Genny...

Results from March’s survey

Here are the results from the short survey that was in the March edition of the Slate. All of the responses are anonymous. The columns with vertical headings represent the most frequently mentioned responses, for example the surrounding countryside or reopening the...

The background to 20mph

Ten frequently asked questions. 1. Why 20mph?Approximately 70% of the through roads in Stonesfield have no pavements and there are sections which are not wide enough for two vehicles. The stopping distance of a vehicle travelling at 30mph is twice the distance of a...