Stonesfield has 2 Defibrillators

Did you know Stonesfield has TWO defibrillators in the village which are accessible to members of the public? The Parish Council would like to ensure that everyone is aware of this vital life saving equipment. Over the Christmas period we understand that the ambulance...

Stonesfield Stumble 2023

At 11.16 on New Year’s Day 2023 around 40 people (plus lots of dogs) convened at The Cross, ready for the off. This year the sun shone for the start of the Stonesfield Stumble. Soon we were heading down Well Lane, up the Oxfordshire Way, through the stream up to...

Redevelopment of Oxford station: DECEMBER UPDATE

Update December 2022: Network Rail has informed Oxfordshire County Council that it will no longer be able to meet its 9 January 2023 start date for the redevelopment of Oxford Station. Detailed discussions with the county council had led to the conclusion that there...

Use it or potentially lose it!

Bus Service S3 north of Woodstock, including both branches to Charlbury and Chipping Norton, was declared as non-commercial by Stagecoach and since October 2022 have been run under contract to the County Council. This arrangement is due to run until August 2024. This...

County Councillor Report Nov/Dec 2022

Meetings Attended 7th Nov Woodstock Relief in Need 10th Nov Bladon PC 18th Nov Home to school Transport Working Group 21st Nov Site visit Banbury Road Improvements 28th Nov Bladon public Meeting Botley West Solar Meetings Coming up 6th December Mullins Museum 7th Dec...

SID continues its work

On 27 November the SID was returned to its War Memorial site after its temporary relocation due to Remembrance Day services. During its month on Combe Road it recorded vehicles’ average speed as 22mph with a maximum recorded of 55mph. It can be see from the...