New mirror on Laughton Hill

The mirror at the junction of Oxfordshire Way and Laughton Hill has finally been upgraded. This work was carried out by SAFER team on 10th & 11th November. Over the years there have been a number of incidents at this junction. The latest major incident was a...

SID returns to war memorial

After 3 weeks ‘on duty’ at the chicane, monitoring traffic leaving Stonesfield via Woodstock Road, SID returned to war memorial. For the next few weeks it will monitor speeds of vehicles entering Stonesfield on Woodstock Road in SAFER’s ongoing effort to improve...

SID back on Woodstock Road

As Combe Road is closed w/c 24th August, SID (Speed Indicator Device) was moved today (Sunday 23rd) to the chicane on Woodstock Road. This is a new location and gives speed readings for vehicles as far away as Greenfield Road. It will be there for a couple of weeks...

Oxfordshire County Council respond

Oxfordshire County Council Highways department (OCC) have acknowledged receipt of SAFER’s report and the request for a ‘next steps’ meeting. Unfortunately OCC informed SAFER that Covid relief measures are taking an unforeseen priority and other pre-existing...

SID on the move

Having spent three weeks on Laughton Hill SID (Speed Indicator Device) has now been moved to Combe Road. It will be there for a couple of weeks before it is off again round the village. A number of residents have asked to have SID located outside their house. This is...

Road Safety in Stonesfield

The attached report consolidates a number of local road safety initiatives to present the case for reducing speeding in Stonesfield and making the village safer. These initiatives form part of the overall high level ‘Road Safety Strategy for Stonesfield.’...

Speed sign moves to Laughton Hill

As part of the ongoing speed awareness campaign in Stonesfield the Speed Indicator Device (SID) has been relocated to Laughton Hill (from the war memorial). There are limited locations within the village where SAFER is permitted to locate the SID without being in...

Change to speed monitoring in Stonesfield

As announced SAFER recommenced Speedwatch on Tuesday 23rd June following social distancing guidelines, having informed Thames Valley Police (TVP) of the resumption. Later the same day TVP asked that Speedwatch ceased further session for the time being, although they...

Additional traffic surveys in Stonesfield

On Friday 19th June Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) arranged the installation of three Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC) in The Ridings (pictured above) The Ridings, near Farley Close Pond Hill These ATCs use tubes laid across the road and measure volume and speed (in...

Community Speed Watch restarts its work

At the end of 2019 SAFER took delivery of a Morelock ‘Speed Indicating Device’ (SID) for use by the SAFER Community Speed Watch team. Now all the team have been trained in the monitoring and recording of traffic speeds in line with Thames Valley Police guidelines....

OCC start sign repair programme

In 2019 SAFER surveyed all the road traffic signs in Stonesfield and provided OCC with a list of those needing repair. Laughton Hill Sign 2019 SAFER have continued to follow up this with OCC and are pleased that OCC have now started the promised programme of repair /...

New signage in Stonesfield

A new road traffic sign appear on Laughton Hill last week. Following comments made by residents in the Stonesfield survey in 2018, SAFER have been working with Oxfordshire County Council (OOC) to improve road safety in the village. Last year, having cleaned existing...

New Boot Street mirror

The Boot St / Laughton Hill mirror was damaged in a fit of Halloween ‘festivities’, having been there for over six months. Now SAFER have installed a new and improved mirror, paid for by the Parish Council. Hopefully this will last considerably longer, providing...

Speedwatch checks continue

SAFER have continued the programme of speed checks on Laughton Hill, Woodstock Road and other main Stonesfield roads during the summer. The presence of high-viz jacketed SAFER team appeared to have a calming effect on drivers as, to date, very few vehicles have been...

Community Speed Watch

Now that Oxfordshire County Council have completed their traffic survey (see separate article for details) SAFER started the Community Speed Watch (CSW) traffic recording using the Traffic Technology radar purchased by Stonesfield Parish Council. This is the equipment...