New Boot Street mirror

The Boot St / Laughton Hill mirror was damaged in a fit of Halloween ‘festivities’, having been there for over six months. Now SAFER have installed a new and improved mirror, paid for by the Parish Council. Hopefully this will last considerably longer, providing...

Speedwatch checks continue

SAFER have continued the programme of speed checks on Laughton Hill, Woodstock Road and other main Stonesfield roads during the summer. The presence of high-viz jacketed SAFER team appeared to have a calming effect on drivers as, to date, very few vehicles have been...

Community Speed Watch

Now that Oxfordshire County Council have completed their traffic survey (see separate article for details) SAFER started the Community Speed Watch (CSW) traffic recording using the Traffic Technology radar purchased by Stonesfield Parish Council. This is the equipment...

OCC traffic volume / speed survey

On 19th June, Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) installed four speed / volume measuring devices at locations requested by SAFER. Each location was at least 50m within the 30mph zone . The devices recorded traffic volume and speed, in each direction, on a 24hour basis....

Traffic Survey in Stonesfield

Oxfordshire County Council, at the request of SAFER / Stonesfield Parish Council, have installed four traffic survey devices in Stonesfield (see above). These will record traffic volume and speeds in both directions at each point, 24hour a day. The devices will remain...

Community Speed Watch preparation

SAFER preparations for Community Speed Watch are underway. The Parish Council has bought all the necessary equipment. Thames Valley Police have trained the initial group of volunteers on how to conduct the monitoring and report offending vehicles. Whilst these checks...

Boot Street mirror

A team from SAFER today installed a mirror at the Boot Street / Laughton Hill junction. It has been located so those exiting Boot Street have some warning of vehicles approaching up the hill and equally those coming up the hill are aware of vehicles in Boot Street....

SAFER starts clean up

SAFER volunteers have been cleaning all road traffic signs in Stonesfield Above is a sign in Greenfield Road and below is after the clean – revealing it was a warning for the bend! Other signs were almost a bad and some could not be properly clean up or were damaged....

SAFER launch

Stonesfield Action For Enhanced Road Safety (SAFER) was formed in December to work for Stonesfield Parish Council in matters of road safety. This was in response to the report presented at the November Parish Council meeting which outlined the results of the October...