Neighbourhood Plan Meeting Q&A

Q&A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN PUBLIC MEETING 24.06.24   43 attended Where is your funding coming from? The PC obtained a grant from an organisation called Locality. We don’t know what the new gov (after the July 2024 election) will say about such grants....

Neighbourhood Plan meeting – 24 June

We have been keeping you up to date on our progress with the Neighbourhood Plan with frequent articles in the Slate. But it is time you had the chance to ask us questions about the progress we are making. We are therefore holding an open meeting on Monday 24 June at...

Frequently Asked Questions – Answered

Stonesfield Neighbourhood Plan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as at 02-10-23: The attached FAQs is a “living” document/webpage. As Stonesfield residents ask questions about the Stonesfield Neighbourhood Plan, we will endeavour to capture and answer these questions...

Presentation from 19 June meeting

Here is the powerpoint presentation given to the public meeting in the village hall on 19 June 2023 by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, together with the script of what was said and notes on the Q&A session at the end. SNP Village Meeting 19 June materials ...

Introduction to the Survey results

The links below are to PDF files containing all of the data received from the Stonesfield Neighbourhood Plan Survey – both the Household and the Individual surveys. There is also a PDF file with all the free text comments which appeared at the end of the survey. ...

Stonesfield Village Survey: The results are in!

Stonesfield Village Survey: The results are in! Now what? Come and hear about the results and next steps at 7.30pm, Monday 19 June in Stonesfield Village Hall. Join us to find out: How we will turn your responses in to Neighbourhood Plan policies; When this will be...

Village Survey 2023

At last! It has finally arrived: your chance to say how you would like Stonesfield to grow over the coming years. In the first few days of March, the Village Survey was delivered to every household in the village. In it you are asked what developments in housing,...

Stonesfield’s Character

Stonesfielders…old and young (and all those in-between), people who’ve lived here forever or who moved in last month…we need your help. You might have heard that like many other communities up and down the country, some Stonesfield residents have formed a group to...

Results from March’s survey

Here are the results from the short survey that was in the March edition of the Slate. All of the responses are anonymous. The columns with vertical headings represent the most frequently mentioned responses, for example the surrounding countryside or reopening the...

Public meeting about Stonesfield’s future.

The Public Meeting about Stonesfield’s future took place on Monday 28 March. It was an opportunity to find out about Stonesfield Neighbourhood Plan: what is it, why are we doing it and how you can help. There was a good turn out with an opportunity for everyone...

Initial Survey

Would you like to have a hand in shaping the way Stonesfield develops over the coming years? Do you have opinions on the sort of housing the village needs (or doesn’t need): where it should be, who for, and what it should look like? What about our green spaces and...