Oxfordshire Matters Sept 2018

September 2018 Welcome to our latest newsletter In this edition: Growth dividend’ could bring a £120m boost for roads and public buildings Cabinet approves new operating model to make the council ‘fit for the future’ Councils join up to produce a spatial plan for...

Model letter for CALAmity

MODEL LETTER Below, you will find a ‘model letter’ that can be used to make your views known to the Planning Inspectorate who will be conducting the appeal. If you agree with SUSTO’s assessment of the position, you can simply cut and paste the completed text into an...

Phone mast arrives in Stonesfield

Stonesfield telephone phone mast was being installed at the playing field on 24th September. The prime user will be O2 and it is expected that the new service will be on line on the 15th October.

We need your help to fight CALAmity

CALA Homes have lodged an appeal against West Oxfordshire District Council’s (WODC’s) decision to reject their application to build 68 houses on the Woodstock Road. This appeal is to be heard by a formal inquiry. Stonesfield residents have another opportunity to...

Changes near the Evenlode

A smart refurbished bridge now crosses the Evenlode. With its solid new walkway it look ready to last for many more years. Also the Parish Council have had some clearing done on the ‘cricket field’ below the common. This area is now more accessible with a wide path...

Planning news

Roads minister Jesse Norman has announced the government’s preferred route for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway, which aims to deliver the missing link in the expressway between Oxford and Milton Keynes. Option A would see the road go via Aylesbury, B along the...

Mischief Makers awards

Summer Read finally ended with Mischief Makers – Childrens’ Reading Competition Winners at the Medal Ceremony on 12th September at the Village Hall. 74 children registered for the challenge, 56 completed it and these were invited to a presentation ceremony where...

West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031

Following independent examination of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031, the Council has now received the final report of the Inspector which is available to view at www.westoxon.gov.uk/localplan2031. Hard copies will also be made available shortly at the locations...