Oxford offers land to trial community-led housing scheme

Oxford City Council is to provide land to pilot a community-led housing project in a bid to tackle the local housing crisis. The proposal will see the council provide a long-term lease to a community group so they could build new homes on a small unused garage site in...

Minute silence

10th November On Remembrance Sunday over 100 people attended the service and wreath laying at the war memorial at Combe Road junction. The rain held off whilst people showed their respect to the victims of war. 11th November 2019 marked 100 years since the two-minute...

Folk mix

Another enjoyable evening at the White Horse with a great mix of music. Judith and Nick guided a super evening with a wide range of music. We all look forward to the next evening on 4th December.

CALA abandon their appeal

SUSTO are delighted to announce that CALA Homes have abandoned their appeal to the High Court. After our victory was announced in June, we were dismayed, but not altogether surprised, when we learnt that CALA were taking the decision to the High Court. The Parish...

CALA Homes withdraw

The Parish Council has been advised that CALA Homes will not be taking the matter any further with regards to the housing in Stonesfield. Parish Clerk

Owls in St James’ Centre

Stonefield Garden Club meeting, on October 14th, was a real treat. The turnout was pretty good in spite of the dire weather forecast although, as frequently happens, reality was not nearly as bad. Stonefield Garden Club members and a few visitors (always welcome)...