OCC completes sign improvements

One of the first projects taken on by SAFER in March 2019 was the cleaning and documenting of all village road traffic and direction signs. As a result of this, in April 2019, SAFER submitted a report to OCC Highways department listing several signs needing repair,...

Your views on Oxfordshire bus service

People who visit, live or work in Oxfordshire are urged to have their say on the county’s bus network and services. Oxfordshire County Council has started a consultation process to find out people’s views on the service that is provided now and what people would like...

Wychwood Forest Fair – Sunday 22 August

Witney Town Band On Sunday 22 August , a large crowd enjoyed a family-friendly day celebrating rural crafts and conservation on Sunday 22 August at Foxburrow Wood, Witney in fabulous sunshine! There was heaps of entertainment—from falconry to ferret racing, pony rides...

Village Idiots Gig – Saturday 21 August

Village party At 8pm on Saturday 21st August the Village Idiots played an open air free charity gig on Stonesfield playing fields (near village hall). Earlier this year the band lost a dear friend and sax player David ‘Blithering’ Lines. This gig was in...

WODC recruiting for Canvassers

Recruiting for Electoral Registration Canvassers for West Oxfordshire Council. We are looking to recruit ten people to undertake canvassing work in the period from mid-October to mid-November 2021. The main duties are summarised in the attached job description, and...

SID data

As previously reported the Speed Indicator Devices record data on traffic flows and speeds. An extract of this data is given to the Parish Council at their monthly meetings. Below is some of the data that has been collected over recent months. Note that the dates of...

Let’s talk waste and recycling – survey

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedinEmail this link Oxfordshire County Council operates seven household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) across the county for residents to bring household waste to be disposed of and recycled. Fifteen per cent of waste...