Apply for Primary School

Parents of children born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018 (inclusive) need to apply for an infant or primary school place for September 2022. The deadline to apply for Primary School is 15 January 2022....

A changing Stonesfield

Stonesfield has changed a lot since this map was drawn up in 1792. Most of these changes have happened by ‘accident’. Stonesfield looks like it does today through gradual, or sometimes rapid, evolution with very little input from the residents. Now Neighbourhood...

Free roll of food caddy liners. Get yours in December

Pick up your free food waste caddy liners today from any Oxfordshire library, throughout December, while stocks last. With tons of turkey, bowls of Brussel sprouts and plates full of potatoes, it’s no wonder food waste increases at this time of year. To help you get...

Parish Clerk holidays

Please note that the Parish Clerk will be on Annual Leave from 20th Dec and will return to the office on 5th January 2022. Please expect delays in responses to any emails during this period. (Emails will not be monitored). The next Parish meeting is scheduled for...

Have your say on proposed budget plans for 2022/23

Oxfordshire County Council want funding to go where it’s most needed, making Oxfordshire greener, fairer and healthier for everyone. We plan on investing £21 million to deliver a long-term, positive impact on local communities across the county, including...

COVID-19 Omicron in Oxfordshire – 2 Dec

As of today there is one confirmed case and two highly probable cases of the COVID-19 Omicron variant have been detected in Oxfordshire. All three individuals are now self-isolating and their close contacts have been informed and asked to self-isolate. Our public...

Moving to 20mph

On 19 October Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet voted to endorse proposals to make it simpler, quicker and less cost prohibitive to lower speeds to 20mph on most urban areas and village streets in places where it is both suitable and supported by residents. The...