Signs of a safer Stonesfield take shape

Installing 20mph signs in Stonesfield On 17 February 2022, works started to replace all the speed limit signage in the village, reducing the limit from 30mph to 20mph. In November 2018 a community-based survey was launched in the village to deal with the concerns of...

Weather Warning Storm Eunice

With the adverse weather conditions expected on 18th Feb it is possible that we may see some trees down / issues if the wind really does pick up as predicted in our area. Oxfordshire County Council have a reporting system for fallen trees / broken signs etc. these are...

Immediate Road Closure Alert.

Fawler Street, Fawler / Stonesfield – Road closure required to repair main clamp 0 to 6” cway by Thames Water, expected to finish on 21 February 2022. We are waiting for the submission of the diversion route and will process asap through the normal channels once...

Initial Survey

Would you like to have a hand in shaping the way Stonesfield develops over the coming years? Do you have opinions on the sort of housing the village needs (or doesn’t need): where it should be, who for, and what it should look like? What about our green spaces and...

Stonesfield Voluntary Transport Scheme – Restarting

Our volunteer drivers are available again from the beginning of March to take you to local medical appointments or to the hospitals in Oxford and Banbury. Full COVID safety precautions are still in place. There is no charge but we welcome a donation towards expenses....

Progress update 1

The Parish Council submitted an application to WODC to have the whole Parish designated as the neighbourhood area. This was successfully approved at the end of 2021. A Steering Group of Council and SuSto members has now been ratified by SPC. It met for the first time...