Parking survey and plans for Woodstock & Witney

Woodstock We’re asking for your views on the proposals to amend parking restrictions in Woodstock. The existing parking provision includes a mixture of 1 hour, 3 hour and 23-hour parking bays, with areas for disabled parking. Issues have been raised that this is...

Public meeting about Stonesfield’s future.

The Public Meeting about Stonesfield’s future took place on Monday 28 March. It was an opportunity to find out about Stonesfield Neighbourhood Plan: what is it, why are we doing it and how you can help. There was a good turn out with an opportunity for everyone...

Community Speedwatch volunteers wanted

Following successful implementation of the 20mph speed limit, SAFER, the Parish Council road safety working group, is recruiting volunteers to join its Community Speed Watch (CSW) team. We are looking for individuals to help run speed surveys in the village as part of...

Electric busses

I am delighted to share with you the news that Oxfordshire’s £32.8m Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) was successful. Along with £6m from the council and £43.7m from bus companies Go Ahead and Stagecoach, the DfT...

Dog bin update

WODC are undertaking a bin evaluation in the whole District. The current outstanding works for Stonesfield is as follows: For the old dog bin at Stonesfield Common to be replaced with a new Dual bin For a new dual bin to be installed on Woodstock Road, opposite Come...

Ukrainian refugee update

There was a county-wide meeting yesterday morning with reps from all the Councils and key services within the County where the emerging issues following the release of further guidance on Friday was discussed. OCC will be informed when a visa is granted to a sponsor...

Garden waste being dumped in lanes

Residents are reminded that disposal of garden waste should be via composting, through the garden waste scheme that WODC offers or through official waste channels. Disposing of garden waste over your boundary on to public, council or land not owned by you (without...