County Councillor’s May summary

Councillor priority fund: Applications to the councillor priority fund have reopened. The application process has slightly changed, requiring an online application and an email/letter of support of the councillor. Eligible organisations include, registered charities,...

Minutes May 2023

Minutes Annual Parish meeting 10 May 2023 Minutes Parish Council Meeting 10 May 2023 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting and the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting

Big Help Out thank you

Dear people, Thank you all so much for contributing to our event on Monday 8 May – most of you were there and everyone worked so hard to make it such a success. We estimate that about a hundred people were there all told and there was such a lovely atmosphere; I...

Election results for Stonesfield & Tackley

All the Election Results are now available on the Council’s website at Results for Stonesfield & Tackley are available using these links Click to access...

Agendas May 2023

Agendas for Stonesfield Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council meeting to be held on 10 May. Agenda for meeting May 2023 _ Annual Council.pdf APM Agenda for meeting May 2023 _ Annual Parish Meeting.pdf

Abingdon among latest areas to get approval

Abingdon has become the latest major Oxfordshire town to adopt 20mph speed limits in residential areas to create safer, healthier and quieter streets. It was one of seven communities to have applications for 20mph limits approved by Oxfordshire County Council’s...