High Noon at the High Court

For those of you who haven’t heard via the village grapevine, CALA have decided to take their application to build 68 houses on the Woodstock Road to the High Court. When the planning Inspector turned down their appeal against WODC’s decision to refuse their planning...


For over two years SUSTO has been pretty swift to send out an email telling you about the latest planning issue that might befall our community and asking you to pick up the pen once again to complain. So it’s surprising that when we get the best news for a long time,...

It’s over but we don’t know the result

Yesterday was the last day of the CALA appeal to build 68 houses north of the Woodstock Road. SUSTO, the Parish Council and the AONB Conservation Board (the joint Rule 6 Party) have done their best to put the case to the Inspector that this development should not be...

CALAmity… it’s not over yet

The appeal by CALA Homes against the WODC decision to refuse planning permission for 68 houses on the Woodstock Road took place last week. WODC and the combined Rule 6 party – SUSTO, Stonesfield Parish Council, and the Cotswolds AONB Conservation Board – put forward a...

CALA development – SUSTO asks you to write

CALA want to hear from you CALA and their planning consultants Pegasus have sent a leaflet (see link at bottom of this post) to every house in Stonesfield inviting residents “to make any comments on the proposed landscaping scheme” for their development on the...

We’re working to avoid CALAmity

We are pleased that our efforts and your letters of objection had such a significant impact on two events in 2018. First, the application by CALA to build 68 houses on land on Woodstock Road was turned down. Second, the Inspector took on board the significance of the...

Model letter for CALAmity

MODEL LETTER Below, you will find a ‘model letter’ that can be used to make your views known to the Planning Inspectorate who will be conducting the appeal. If you agree with SUSTO’s assessment of the position, you can simply cut and paste the completed text into an...

We need your help to fight CALAmity

CALA Homes have lodged an appeal against West Oxfordshire District Council’s (WODC’s) decision to reject their application to build 68 houses on the Woodstock Road. This appeal is to be heard by a formal inquiry. Stonesfield residents have another opportunity to...

Good news and bad news

First the good news. WODC’s Local Plan has been accepted by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate and will be presented to councillors for formal adoption at a special meeting on Thursday 27th September. This is a vital step in protecting against unnecessary and...

Support refusal of Pye Phase 2 planning application

Planning Application Ref. No: 17/01966/FUL The WODC Uplands Planning Committee will consider the revised planning application for phase 2 of the PYE development adjacent to William Buckland Way on the 6th August. The original plan was for 18 houses on the whole site....

Pye Phase 2 : Amended planning application

In July last year we wrote about Pye Phase 2 – the extension to William Buckland Way (Charity Farm development) of a further 18 houses. That planning application has not been heard by WODC’s Uplands Planning Committee. Pye have now submitted a revised planning...

Two important planning application

Two planning applications have been lodged with West Oxfordshire District Council for Stonesfield. They are North Farm on Farley Lane and Pye Phase 2 which adjoins Charity Farm. SUSTO takes the view that both applications are contrary to the recommendations of the...

Revised Local Plan 12th March 2018

The significant developments in our village and others in that sub area have been removed from the latest Local Plan proposals recently issued by WODC. For Stonesfield this means that WODC no longer supports the development proposed for the Woodstock Rd. The revised...

Latest news 30th January 2018

As part of the examination of the Local Plan, the Inspector has indicated to West Oxfordshire District Council that, after taking into account planning permissions already granted he believes that no further development in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is...