Jul 20, 2019 | Stonesfield news
From 5pm on Saturday 20th July adults and children from Stonesfield, and around, gathered by the Evenlode in the early evening sunshine. The bar was open, burgers and hotdogs were on the grill and a range of cakes were on offer. At the same time duck tickets were...
Jul 6, 2019 | Stonesfield news
Sunday June 30th arrived and so did the sun. It was a glorious day for Stonefield Open Gardens, sunny but without the baking heat of the day before. Over 200 people took advantage of the summer weather and explored the selection of eleven gardens that were open for...
Jun 27, 2019 | Stonesfield news
At The White Horse this evening there was a short presentation to Tony, our retiring milkman. A lot of residents turned out to say thank you to Tony for his services to the village and present him with the results of their collection. Tony’s family were there to see...
Jun 27, 2019 | Stonesfield news
Tuesday evening saw a group of volunteers out on the common, counting Meadow Clary. Stonesfield Common is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and it is the Meadow Clary that contribute to its SSSI status. For more about Meadow Clary click...
Jun 21, 2019 | Parish Council news, Stonesfield news
Stephen Normington, the Inspector appointed by The Secretary of State, has dismissed Cala Homes appeal against refusal of their planning application for land north of Woodstock Road. Amongst the many reasons for judgement, he decided “that it would cause significant...
Jun 4, 2019 | Stonesfield news
West Oxfordshire District Council is consulting on the future development of land at east Witney which is allocated in the adopted West Oxfordshire Local Plan for the provision of around 450 new homes. The Council is preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)...
May 9, 2019 | Stonesfield news
West Oxfordshire District council election results 2 May 2019.pdf
May 5, 2019 | Stonesfield news
The UK was due to leave the European Union on 29 March 2019, which would have meant no further elections to the European parliament. However, as the UK remains a member, the next European Parliamentary election will take place on Thursday 23 May 2019, unless the UK...
May 3, 2019 | Stonesfield news
The Conservatives lose seats but remain in control of West Oxfordshire District Council. The Conservative party lost several seats in the local elections on 3rd May 2019, with their total in the chamber falling from 32 to 28. Labour were the big winners, gaining in...
Apr 27, 2019 | Stonesfield news
Stonesfield Gardening Club held their plant sale on Saturday 27th April. It was a very cold and windy morning… thanks Storm Hannah! In spite of that we had a huge turnout of residents who came prepared for both the weather and to take away their purchases. Thanks to...
Mar 31, 2019 | Stonesfield news
Bird Aid, a West Oxfordshire based charity, and part of The Wychwood Project, helps to feed our declining farmland birds during the ‘hunger gap’ from January to early May. Farmland bird populations have declined by almost half since 1970, due to a variety of factors,...
Mar 28, 2019 | Stonesfield news
A message was received about a theft of car number plates on 28th March as follows. “I parked at Stonesfield common, which I do on a regular basis, to walk my dog. I live in Freeland. On return to the car after about an hour I discovered that both plates had been...
Mar 24, 2019 | Stonesfield news
Sunday morning and the sun shone over Stonesfield. About 40 Stonesfield residents turned out for the Great British Spring Clean, assembling at the Sports & Social Club. After a short Health and Safety briefing from Jess Hubard we divided ourselves into five...
Mar 23, 2019 | Stonesfield news
A large number of Stonesfield residents travelled to London on Saturday morning to join over one million other people on the ‘People’s Vote’ march on 23rd March. Trains from Oxford were packed with Oxfordshire residents who wanted to make their voices heard in London....
Mar 20, 2019 | Stonesfield news
Plastics are valuable materials and for most people becoming “plastic free” is not completely realistic. Therefore the aim has to be to move towards a circular economy, where materials are used sparingly, over and over again without losing their value. At the same...