The attached report consolidates a number of local road safety initiatives to present the case for reducing speeding in Stonesfield and making the village safer. These initiatives form part of the overall high level ‘Road Safety Strategy for Stonesfield.’

This road safety strategy is being delivered through a number of actions developed and implemented by the ‘Stonesfield Action For Enhancing Road Safety’ team. SAFER is a Parish Council Working Group consisting of Parish Councillors and other dedicated residents.

These actions include:-

  • Residents Speed Survey
  • Community Speed Watch
  • Road signage replacement
  • Improving road markings
  • Static traffic surveys

Whilst these actions and initiatives help inform and improve the road safety environment in Stonesfield, the overwhelming step change in village safety will come from reducing the speed limit to 20mph, in a central zone or village wide. This report presents the data, argument and safeguarding benefits of reducing speed in Stonesfield.

This report is being sent to Oxford County Council, together with the data collected from the Automatic Traffic Surveys, to support the introduction of a reduction in speed limits. Oxfordshire County Council will review the data and, after discussion with the Parish Council, make their recommendations for the scope of any changes to speed limits. This will then go out to public consultation.

If you have any questions please contact
Cllr Michael J Heduan MBE
SAFER Stonesfield Working Group.

Stonesfield Road Safety Report July 2020.pdf