Community Speed Watch preparation

SAFER preparations for Community Speed Watch are underway. The Parish Council has bought all the necessary equipment. Thames Valley Police have trained the initial group of volunteers on how to conduct the monitoring and report offending vehicles. Whilst these checks...

Minutes April 2019

Meeting minutes and Parish Clerk’s report to support the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10th April 2019 in Stonesfield Village Hall.   StonesfieldPC_Minutes10th April 2019.pdf Clerks report – April 2019  

Boot Street mirror

A team from SAFER today installed a mirror at the Boot Street / Laughton Hill junction. It has been located so those exiting Boot Street have some warning of vehicles approaching up the hill and equally those coming up the hill are aware of vehicles in Boot Street....

CALAmity… it’s not over yet

The appeal by CALA Homes against the WODC decision to refuse planning permission for 68 houses on the Woodstock Road took place last week. WODC and the combined Rule 6 party – SUSTO, Stonesfield Parish Council, and the Cotswolds AONB Conservation Board – put forward a...

Election of Stonesfield Parish Councillors

In the areas where there are insufficient candidates for a poll (such as Stonesfield), the persons nominated have been declared elected following an uncontested election, and in those where the number elected uncontested is fewer than the number of seats on the...

Volunteer for Bird Aid and help our local farmland birds

Bird Aid, a West Oxfordshire based charity, and part of The Wychwood Project, helps to feed our declining farmland birds during the ‘hunger gap’ from January to early May. Farmland bird populations have declined by almost half since 1970, due to a variety of factors,...