It’s over but we don’t know the result

Yesterday was the last day of the CALA appeal to build 68 houses north of the Woodstock Road. SUSTO, the Parish Council and the AONB Conservation Board (the joint Rule 6 Party) have done their best to put the case to the Inspector that this development should not be...

West Oxfordshire District Council results

The Conservatives lose seats but remain in control of West Oxfordshire District Council. The Conservative party lost several seats in the local elections on 3rd May 2019, with their total in the chamber falling from 32 to 28. Labour were the big winners, gaining in...

Annual Parish Meeting – 13th May

The Stonesfield Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on 13th May in the Village Hall at 7.00pm. There will be a full council meeting ahead of this from 6.30 – 7.00pm. The Council will accept pre-advisedquestions at the Annual Parish Meeting. Questions should be...

A successful plant sale

Stonesfield Gardening Club held their plant sale on Saturday 27th April. It was a very cold and windy morning… thanks Storm Hannah! In spite of that we had a huge turnout of residents who came prepared for both the weather and to take away their purchases. Thanks to...