Community Transport Newsletter – Summer 2019

Oxfordshire County Council supports the development of a strong and sustainable community transport sector. This newsletter will be published regularly to highlight any news from Oxfordshire or Nationwide regarding community transport updates. COMMUNITY TRANSPORT...

Successful Open Gardens

Sunday June 30th arrived and so did the sun. It was a glorious day for Stonefield Open Gardens, sunny but without the baking heat of the day before. Over 200 people took advantage of the summer weather and explored the selection of eleven gardens that were open for...


For over two years SUSTO has been pretty swift to send out an email telling you about the latest planning issue that might befall our community and asking you to pick up the pen once again to complain. So it’s surprising that when we get the best news for a long time,...

Farewell Tony

At The White Horse this evening there was a short presentation to Tony, our retiring milkman. A lot of residents turned out to say thank you to Tony for his services to the village and present him with the results of their collection. Tony’s family were there to see...

Counting Meadow Clary

Tuesday evening saw a group of volunteers out on the common, counting Meadow Clary. Stonesfield Common is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and it is the Meadow Clary that contribute to its SSSI status. For more about Meadow Clary click...

A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor

Have you thought of becoming a Parish Councillor? In May 2019 elections were held for Stonesfield Parish Council. Following the election we still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor and are able to co-opt a suitable volunteer until the next elections. Parish...