Update from Back the White Horse

Update 12th January 2021 Today we received confirmation that our cash bid for the White Horse, at the full asking price, with a guarantee to exchange contracts as soon as possible, lodged on 18th December 2020, has been rejected by the vendor, John Lloyd. The selling...

Stonesfield Voluntary Transport Scheme restarts

Stonesfield Voluntary Transport Scheme : Volunteer drivers are now available to take you for vaccination or other medical appointments. Full COVID precautions are in place to ensure your safety. As ever, there is no charge but we do welcome a donation for expenses....

Help in the times of Covid

Loneliness – Do you know your neighbours? There are many people within our area who live alone and may be lonely. That’s not to say that everyone who lives alone is lonely of course. Many people who live alone have great friendships and social connections. Some...

Stonesfield makes USA TV news

The White Horse was featured on America’s ABC news! The report lasted over 5 minutes with lots of shots of the village and interviews with Stonesfield residents. Well worth a watch! https://abcn.ws/3amq4RT

Death of David Lines

I am very sad to report the death of David Lines on New Year’s Day. He’d been fighting prostate cancer for several years with great bravery and stoicism. We’ve lost a great friend. David was one of the original committee members of SUSTO. His work researching and...

Thames Valley Police warn against criminal damage

Thames Valley police have been contacted about criminal damage to fencing and gates around the field off Combe Road, Stonesfield (marked on the map attached). The local farmer is having issues with dog walkers using this private field for exercise. The field boundary...

Lockdown information

As we have another lockdown here are some reminders: Funerals continue with 30 max attending but follow the guidance https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-places-of-worship-during-the-pandemic-from-4-july Parks, public open...

Christmas break

Stonesfield Parish Council would like to wish everyone in the Parish a very Happy Christmas. We hope that everyone remains safe and well. The clerk and most councillors will be taking a break over Christmas. Emails will not be routinely checked after 18th December...