Increased SID coverage

In February the Parish Council’s third Speed Indicator Device (SID) arrived. Now placed on The Ridings at Farley Lane, clearly visible to vehicles entering the village, this is another reminder of the current speed limit. Another SID is outside The White Horse facing...

Village Survey 2023

At last! It has finally arrived: your chance to say how you would like Stonesfield to grow over the coming years. In the first few days of March, the Village Survey was delivered to every household in the village. In it you are asked what developments in housing,...

Good Food Oxfordshire

The aim of Good Food Oxfordshire is to identify and catalyse actions by individuals and organisations that will promote a healthy, fair, ethical and environmentally sustainable food system in Oxford and Oxfordshire. Good Food Oxfordshire supports initiatives that...

Stagecoach bus promotion

Oxfordshire County Council is currently subsidising the S3 but this is only guaranteed until 2024. So we are encouraging residents to start to use the buses more – use ’em or lose ’em. You probably know that Stagecoach are running the £2 per journey...