The Parish Council has this afternoon received official notification from our lawyers at WODC regarding the notification of intention to dispose of the White Horse Pub. This has been triggered because of the Asset of Community Value.
Please find attached a copy of that notification of an intention.
I have confirmed with the lawyers that the Parish Council will publicise the Notice to enable other local community interest groups to have the opportunity to be treated as potential bidders but this has also been sent directly to the White Horse Community Group.
Please note you need to respond as soon as possible (but no later than Tuesday 7 June), to the lawyer Geetanjali Wahi Geetanjali.Wahi@WESTOXON.GOV.UK confirming your interest as a bidder if you wish to bid. This will then trigger the moratorium period and will prevent the sale of the pub for that period to anyone other than a community group.
Please do let us know if you do respond to the lawyer with an intention to bid. The Parish Council is keen to be kept updated with any interests.
Karen East
Stonesfield Parish Council – Clerk
WODC Notification of Intention to Dispose_WHP_Stonesfield_May2022.pdf