Stonesfield Fete UPDATE

As you probably know, the Friends of Stonesfield School (FoSS) Committee normally organise the Village Fete. The committee is currently a very small group of parents and despite recent appeals for new members and village support to run the fete, we find that we are...

Stonesfield rocked

The Village Idiots rocked Stonesfield at the May Bank Holiday micro beer fest. Hundreds of people turned out to enjoy the warm weather, the beer and the food at the White Horse Micro Beer Fest on 5th May. The Village Idiots played for over two hours with old...

Successful April Plant Sale

Stonesfield Gardening Club’s April plant sale was held at Four Acres in Pond Hill on Saturday 21st April. Just for a change the weather was kind to us which encouraged people to get in early, and they turned out in record numbers. They were able to choose from the...

Poem about Stonesfield

Dr Romola Parish has written a poem about Stonefield. Dr Romola Parish worked with the Oxfordshire HLC project as poet in residence. Using the HLC, Romola explored the hidden histories of Oxfordshire’s landscapes and captured in her anthology of poems, The...

Cala Homes application for 68 houses – REFUSED

The Cala Homes application for Land East of Stonesfield, Woodstock Road, Stonesfield was on the WODC Planning Committee Agenda for Monday, 30th April 2018. At the meeting the Planning Committee refused the application. It can be viewed on line with full particulars...

West Oxfordshire Council updates

Flexible loan scheme The Flexible Home Improvement Loan is for property owners aged 60+. It can be used for essential repairs / renovation projects in your home. The loan is provided on a not-for-profit basis and can be re-paid on a flexible basis, for example regular...


Broadband delivery in the Fawler cabinet area The Connecting West Oxfordshire project* is underway and we are making good progress on bringing ultrafast broadband to properties that currently have little or no internet access. We are pleased to let you know that in...

Warning for dog owners

Alabama Rot, a rare killer disease of dogs, has reached Oxfordshire. It is serious with no cure and kills 80% of affected animals. Immediate advice is to always wash your dog’s feet after muddy walks as thinking is that it is picked up by stagnant water. Find...

Post by email test

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Register to vote in local elections

Residents are being urged to check they are on the electoral register with local elections taking place in May. A total of 17 of the 49 seats on West Oxfordshire District Council and 115 seats on 17 town and parish councils are up for election on Thursday 3 May....

West Oxfordshire Local Plan update

This newsletter provides a brief update on the emerging West Oxfordshire Local Plan and other related matters including; · The Oxfordshire Cotswolds Garden Village · Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) · Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) · Oxfordshire Housing...