White Horse reopens – 14 June

The exciting and welcome news is that the White Horse will be fully reopening on Friday 14 June at 11:30am under the tenancy of Craig Tipper. Craig, along with his business partner Barbara, have been working hard alongside the pub committee in preparing for the...

Progress on drains

The rain on Sunday 26 May highlighted the desperate state of the drains on Laughton Hill and at the Boot Street junction. The Gardening Club were replanting the pots at the Boot Street junction when the rain started and within 15 minutes water was bubbling up out of...

Huge thanks

Huge thanks to all those responded to the ‘shout out’ on Saturday morning. As a result we assembled, sanded and stained 10 new benches for the pub. The garden is looking great as is is the art (on display until 31 May) inside the pub. The pub is now open...

Notice of Vacancy

Pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that Jim O`Brien, formerly a Member of the above named Parish Council, has ceased to be a Member of the Parish Council, and that a vacancy now exists in the office of Councillor for the Parish. See attached...

Revised Villager Bus V26 service

The Villager Bus V26 service to Witney has an amended timetable now in force. A copy is attached and is also available on our website www.villagerbus.co.uk. The changes are relatively minor with departures a few minutes later or earlier than before. However, on the...

Wellbeing reminder

Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope, but nowhere to turn? If you’re in a dark place, you’re not on your own. Oxfordshire Safe Haven is a safe and welcoming space for when you’ve reached the point where it feels like there’s no way out. They are open 365 days a...

When exactly will the pub reopen?

Firstly, thank you to the many architects, builders, pub planners and hospitality professionals who’ve given valuable advice and support to get us to this stage. With an old building like The White Horse there are hidden challenges around every corner, but if...

River levels in Oxfordshire

Heavy rainfall during February has led river levels in Oxfordshire to rise to high levels once again. The link below provides useful information for local people to monitor the situation in individuals parts of the county – especially when the Environment Agency...

County Council budget agreed

A budget for 2024/25 was set this week at the annual budget setting meeting of all Oxfordshire County Councillors. Feedback from people across the county on the proposed budgets provided invaluable insight on priorities, which was used to inform decision making. The...