Youth help programmes in Oxfordshire

Holiday Activity & Food Programme (HAF) Do you know of an organisation that provide children’s summer holiday activity programmes?  We are seeking to engage with a wide network of community-based organisations, including existing holiday care providers,...

Gigaclear update – 30 April

Please see below the latest works update from MKJ, as always, subject to change; Start End Address 1 Address 2 Traffic Management 24/03/2021 30/04/2021 LONGORE STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 31/03/2021 30/04/2021 COMBE ROAD STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 08/04/2021...

Notices of Poll for 6 May

I attach the notices of next week’s poll for the County and District council elections in West Oxfordshire. Parish Clerk District Notices of Poll for 6 May 2021.pdf County Notices of Poll for 6 May 2021.pdf

Stonesfield Sew and Chat group

Established in September 2012 this group has been meeting monthly in St. James’ Centre on a Tuesday from 10am – 12am. From 2021 to be the second Tuesday monthly. Refreshments are provided and a small contribution taken towards this and the hire of the centre. We...

Thames Valley Police initiatives

New initiative announced to tackle fly-tipping across Thames Valley Fly tipping is a major concern across Thames Valley and it can affect private landowners in both rural and urban locations. Conservative PCC Candidate, Matthew Barber, has already announced his...

Gigaclear update – 26 April

Please see below the latest works update from MKJ, as always, subject to change; Start End Address 1 Address 2 Traffic Management 31/03/2021 30/04/2021 COMBE ROAD STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 24/03/2021 30/04/2021 LONGORE STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 08/04/2021...

No motorbikes in Stockey Woods

Please be reminded that motorbike riding is not permitted in Stockey Woods. We have received reports that there is a regular occurrence of motorbike usage in the woods and we would urge this to stop. Please help us look after the woods. Stonesfield Parish Council –...

Gigaclear update – 19 April

Latest works update from MKJ, as always subject to change; Start End Address 1 Address 2 Traffic Management 18/03/2021 20/04/2021 POND HILL STONESFIELD TWO-WAY SIGNALS 24/03/2021 30/04/2021 LONGORE STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 31/03/2021 30/04/2021 COMBE ROAD...

Gigaclear update – 8 April

Please see below the latest works update from MKJ, as always subject to change; Start End Address 1 Address 2 Traffic Management 18/03/2021 20/04/2021 POND HILL STONESFIELD TWO-WAY SIGNALS 24/03/2021 21/04/2021 LONGORE STONESFIELD SOME C/W INCURSION 31/03/2021...

Prince Philip

Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace has announced on Friday 9 April. In a statement shortly after midday, the palace said: “His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle.” The...

Libraries start reopening from 12 April

We are delighted to bring you the following important service updates 30 libraries to reopen for public access and browsing from 12 April A further 9 libraries to reopen from 19 April All library loans due for return/renewal by 10 May Libraries will reopen on limited...

Villager Bus resumes service – 12 April

To all Parish and Town Councils Served by The Villager, I am very pleased to announce that, after five months of suspension due to lock down, we will be able to resume all Villager Bus services from Monday, 12th April. Because of the continuing need for caution over...

Gigaclear update – 6 April

Please see below the latest works update from MKJ, as always subject to change; Start End Address 1 Address 2 Traffic Management 08/03/2021 01/04/2021 WOODSTOCK ROAD STONESFIELD MULTI-WAY SIGNALS 18/03/2021 20/04/2021 POND HILL STONESFIELD TWO-WAY SIGNALS 23/03/2021...