On Friday 19th June Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) arranged the installation of three Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC) in
- The Ridings (pictured above)
- The Ridings, near Farley Close
- Pond Hill
These ATCs use tubes laid across the road and measure volume and speed (in both directions). They will be there for a week as was done for previous six surveys carried out between 2017 – 2019 at various locations (see attached map). The results of the four 2019 surveys can be seen at https://stonesfield.online/occ-traffic-volume-speed-survey-2/
Once OCC have the results of all nine surveys they can assess the viability and scope of a 20mph limit within Stonesfield.
Councillor Ian Hudspeth says “I have submitted my request that Woodstock and all villages in the Division have 20mph speed limits, along with cycle racks by bus stops. Unfortunately, we now know that we can’t fund 20 mph schemes from the first funding tranche for Oxfordshire. We must be realistic that even if we receive all the funds, probably they won’t be enough to cover all projects across the county, but I think it’s right to be ambitious.”
Parish Councillor and SAFER Vice-Chair Michael Heduan MBE notes “A recent survey conducted by the RAC has shown that nearly half the respondents have witnessed an increase in drivers breaking the speed limit during the coronavirus lockdown. Some 44% said they have seen more motorists speeding now than they did before the Government introduced the ban on non-essential travel. Roads with a 30mph limit are the most likely to be abused according to respondents questioned, with 23% saying they have seen drivers clearly going too fast.” and that “SAFER will continue support the Parish Council in pressing for improvements to roads safety in Stonesfield.”