Over 280 responses had been received by 7th November to the short anonymous survey to establish the views of all Stonesfield residents on the appropriate speed limit for the village. The survey will take you less than 3 minutes to complete.

This survey closes on 9th November and the collection box will be removed from the village shop on Saturday morning. To ensure you have expressed your views, please complete the survey  before 9th Nov 2018, by either:

A. Completing the written questionnaire (drop it in the box at the village shop). A copy of the survey can also be downloaded here. Stonesfield Traffic survey website.pdf


B. going online https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Stonesfield


C. using the QR Code below

It is planned that the results of the survey will be shared with the Parish Council at their meeting on 14th November for them to consider any next steps.