Each month for the last seven years, and for about twelve years before that as Parish Council Chairman, I have attempted to give the village as much information as possible both relating to the parish and the wider district. These reports have included much which was not necessarily village oriented, but, hopefully, may have been of interest to our residents.
The last year’s activity has been constrained by Covid19, but the work of the District Council has continued unabated. Maximum grants have been made to local businesses in West Oxfordshire which have suffered curtailed activity during the pandemic. New and developed strategies have been formulated and agreed to deal with projects such as climate change, the introduction of electric vehicle charging points, alleviating the dangers of flooding and its aftermath, and, of course, the on-going consideration of a multitude of planning applications. Much of this through the auspices of zoom and Webex, with a majority of officers working from home. That so much has been accomplished speaks volumes about the efficiency and dedication of our staff in Witney.
Finally, on a personal note, I must thank all our residents and the Parish Council for making my time in office so enjoyable, interesting and fulfilling.
It is my hope that the Parish Council will continue to make wise decisions, find caring solutions and arrive at solid achievements to the benefit of all our residents.
Thank you all.
Richard J M Bishop
District Councillor