Have your say on rural isolation! Are you affected by it? Do you know someone that is?
Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) on behalf of Healthwatch Oxfordshire is undertaking a short survey to better understand the levels of rural isolation felt in rural communities.
The survey is designed for everyone to have their say and is anonymous – you do not need to say who you are.
To complete the online survey click this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/RuralIsolationOxon
A report of the survey results, which will include recommendations based on these results, will be produced and published in March 2022.
If you have any enquiries or would like help filling in the survey or would like it in another format/large print/language please contact the CFO team on info@communityfirstoxon.org
Please complete the survey by 20 December 2021