From 5pm on Saturday 20th July adults and children from Stonesfield, and around, gathered by the Evenlode in the early evening sunshine.
The bar was open, burgers and hotdogs were on the grill and a range of cakes were on offer. At the same time duck tickets were being sold together with raffle tickets.
Stonesfield Scouts were working hard to ensure everyone was having a good time whilst raising money for their projects.
At 6pm the starting gun fired and the ducks were off on their journey to the finish line. The children (and adults) got very excited as the first ducks approached the end of their journey. The wind and low water meant that only a few ducks arrived in the lead group which made identifying the winner an easier job.
A reminder that Stonesfield Scouts desperately need volunteers to help with
- Fundraising – new scout hut and general
- New hut – committee
- Group executive committee
- Section leaders or assistants
Contact the scout group leaders or