Stonesfield’s Spring Clean! Litter pickers now available to borrow to clean up our community
Stonesfield Parish Council have invested in 15 litter pickers and a supply of rubbish/recycling sacks for all members of the Stonesfield community to help tidy up our village and surrounds – and keep it litter free ongoing. As it is unlikely we will be able to meet in a large group for our Annual Village Spring Clean this year, the litter pickers are now available to book, borrow and litter pick, any time throughout the year, when out on your daily walk/exercise.
If you would like to book the litter pickers, contact Jess Huband (email or call/text 07970 107805), allowing at least 24hrs notice, please. I will then leave the litter picker(s) and rubbish bags in our bin store outside the front of 5 Busby Close (off Greenfield Road) for COVID safe collection.
Whilst litter picking, please:
- Always wear gloves and wash your hands as soon as possible after litter picking.
- If possible, please wear hi-viz. Be seen and be safe!
- Do not collect any hazardous waste such as dog pooh or sharp objects. Instead, please report these to West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) for safe removal, via the fixmystreet or calling 01993 861000
- Report pot holes, fly-tipping, blocked drains, pavement parking etc. via the fixmystreet or calling 01993 861000
- Be mindful of traffic at all times.
Once finished, please sort the rubbish collected (if not already sorted in recyclable/non-recyclable bags). Recyclables can be deposited in the recycling bins at Stonesfield’s Recycling Facility in Field Close (off Greenfield Road), or placed in your home recycling bin. All non-recyclables, please put in your household rubbish bin – please do not leave any non-recyclables at the Recycling Facility.
Please return the litter pickers to the bin store at 5 Busby Close where they will be cleaned and “quarantined” for 48hrs before being leant out again!
Please note that all litter picking is undertaken at your own risk, this is not a Parish Council organised event. Any questions, please ask. And finally, thank you for your time spent helping to clean up the village!
Jess Huband
07970 107805