The Stonesfield Players apologise for the postponement of the March performances of Cold Comfort Farm following the sad loss of a dearly loved member and friend, Andy Tacon.  If anyone wishes to contact us, please use this new email address

Cold Comfort Farm: 27, 28 & 29 March

A production of this hilarious and much-loved story written by Stella Gibbons, dramatised by Paul Doust and directed by Becki Sherlaw-Johnson.

Tickets (£13) available ONLINE – just scan the QR code below, or purchase at Suriya Express.

UPDATE: The Stonesfield Players Box Office contact details have changed. Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to change the email and phone number for the box office for Cold Comfort Farm. You can still purchase online through the QR code and from Stonesfield shop but the email is now and the number is 07771 707818.

If you have used either the email or number from the poster in March to book and had no reply, please try again using the above