As you probably know, the Friends of Stonesfield School (FoSS) Committee normally organise the Village Fete.
The committee is currently a very small group of parents and despite recent appeals for new members and village support to run the fete, we find that we are not in a position to organise it this year. Therefore we plan not to run the fete this year but to take a year off and look to run it again in 2019 with an expanded committee and more participation from the wider village. We hope that a larger group like this will take on this event which has been such a great day out in the past.
In place of the Fete, we have decided to focus on the fundraising band night where The Inflatables will be performing at the village hall on the 7th July (see What’s on for more details).
FoSS holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September / October each year, at which the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are appointed. Please do consider joining the FoSS Committee (and / or, if you do not feel able to commit to joining the Committee, register your willingness to help run the fete for 2019).
Details of the AGM will be confirmed in the new academic year, but in the meantime if you have any questions (and / or are able to help at the Band Night) please do speak to a current member of the Committee.