Following a successful public consultation last autumn, West Oxfordshire District Council has formally submitted the Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan (AAP) to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for independent examination, in accordance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The submitted AAP and all other relevant documents have been made available on the Council’s website at
This includes copies of the representations received, the submission letter to PINS as well as a series of core documents, supporting documents and technical evidence reports.
The Council’s website will be updated as the examination progresses and more information becomes available, including the name of the appointed Planning Inspector and the anticipated dates of any hearing sessions.
Ordinarily, the District Council would make hard copy documentation available in the locations listed in the schedule of ‘deposit locations’ below*, but due to the current public health situation this has not been possible. Should these venues re-open in the near future, we will endeavour to make hard copies of key documents available as appropriate.
In the interim, if you do require access to any physical documents, please contact the planning policy team via email at or by telephone on 01993 861667.
The Council have appointed an independent Programme Officer to facilitate the examination process and her contact details are as follows:
Rosie Morton – Programme Officer
C/O West Oxfordshire District Council
Planning and Strategic Housing
New Yatt Road
OX28 1PB
Tel: 01628 672181
Should you require any additional information about the examination process at this stage, please contact the planning policy team at or telephone 01993 861667.
Alternatively please contact the Programme Officer using the contact details above.
Yours faithfully
Chris Hargraves
Planning Policy Manager
West Oxfordshire District Council
*Schedule of Deposit Locations