Earlier this year SAFER presented to Oxfordshire County Council some residents’ concerns about pedestrian safety at various locations. Following this there was a site visit between SAFER, Andy Graham (Oxfordshire County Councillor) and Oxfordshire County Council Highways.
In August, Oxfordshire County Council Highways made proposals (attached) for changing road markings in Pond Hill, at the ‘Pumbro narrows’ and at the bend by the shop. Whilst not a total solution, they represent a step forward and an acknowledgment by Oxfordshire County Council Highways of the issues faced by Stonesfield residents.
Additionally, in response to concerns of residents, these proposals also included
- added a 20mph and ‘Children at play’ sign at the entrance to William Buckland Way.
- changed signage on Witney Lane.
These changes were reconsidered and approved, apart from the two signage changes (above), at the Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 1 November.
No date has been given as yet for the work to be completed but it is hoped that it will be before the end of 2023/4 but the white lining could take longer.