Following the meeting of the Stonesfield Parish Council held on 7 February 2024 the council would like to share this statement:
There has been much discussion with WODC who have been extremely pro-active in supporting the council with getting to where we need to be with clarifications regarding a parish poll demand in the meeting on 7 Feb 2024. As advised at the meeting we needed to check further with WODC whether the request for the poll last night could be upheld. It has now been confirmed that it cannot be upheld from this particular parish council meeting. The council minutes will state that following checks with WODC the poll demand is noted but not granted at this particular meeting.
In all parishes extraordinary parish meetings can be convened throughout the year, by the parish chairman, by two parish councillors or, importantly for the calling of parish polls, by six or more local (Stonesfield) government electors. This will be a different meeting than our Parish Council meeting. Although the naming is similar, a Parish Council meeting and a Parish meeting are different. We will share details on the website soon to explain the differences.
To clarify as there still seems to be some confusion– What is a parish poll?
A parish poll is a democratic tool which allows for a ballot of local government electors in the parish (Stonesfield) to be called on any question arising at a parish meeting. Although non-binding, meaning that the results of the poll do not have to be followed, they provide an indication of support for, or opposition to, specific parish matters which helps to guide parish council decision-making.
Summarised below are the highlights of the next steps and below some brief detail:
- In all parishes extraordinary parish meetings can be convened throughout the year, by the parish chairman, by two parish councillors or, importantly for the calling of parish polls, by six or more local government electors. This will be a different meeting than our Parish Council meetings.
- Not less than seven clear days, before a parish meeting, public notice of the meeting shall be given (this is very different to a regular parish council meeting which is 3 days), specifying the time and place of the intended meeting and the business to be transacted at the meeting, and signed by the person or persons convening the meeting.
- The meeting must not begin before 6pm.
This meeting is an opportunity for parishioners to question people and organisations on any issues relating to the village. As the Parish Meeting is not a parish council meeting it is not conducted in the same way or governed by the same rules as a parish council meeting. Members of the public are permitted to make statements on relevant matters during the meeting. Any resolutions passed do not bind the Parish Council. - At the Parish Meeting the poll can be demanded (we DO NOT need advance notice of this). More than one question can be requested.
(a) With the consent of the person presiding at the meeting or
(b) At the request of either 10 electors or one third of electors present and voting whichever is less
- The request for a Poll cannot be subject to a vote at the meeting. It is only the wording of the question that can be voted upon.
Karen East
Stonesfield Parish Council – Clerk