In July last year we wrote about Pye Phase 2 – the extension to William Buckland Way (Charity Farm development) of a further 18 houses. That planning application has not been heard by WODC’s Uplands Planning Committee.
Pye have now submitted a revised planning application for 13 houses on half the site, six of which will be ‘so called’ affordable. Many Stonesfield residents wrote objecting to the original unwanted development. All of those letters will be taken into consideration when the Council consider this revised plan.
However, since last year the Planning Inspector has commented on the Local Plan and said windfall sites, which this is, are not necessary to meet the housing target. SUSTO has written a model letter, attached, which draws attention to this. Also that the remaining half of the site is ripe for further development at a later stage, potentially resulting in the whole site having over 20 houses.
The Parish Council has written to WODC objecting to this unwanted development.
You can view the amended planning application by going to the WODC planning portal and searching for planning reference number 17/01966/FUL. We hope as many of you as possible will write before the end of May objecting to this amended application. The number of objection letters is important.