The Parish Council submitted an application to WODC to have the whole Parish designated as the neighbourhood area. This was successfully approved at the end of 2021.

A Steering Group of Council and SuSto members has now been ratified by SPC. It met for the first time in January and will meet regularly on a monthly basis. This is the Steering Group for the project and it is hoped to further recruit more members, particularly a person with good IT/communication skills to help with the essential publicity and social media coverage. We would also like to recruit someone with project management skills to keep the project on track. Could you fill either of these roles? We are also well aware of a lop-sided balance in age and hope to encourage younger participation.

A Constitution/terms of reference has been drawn up and can be seen on the village website.

The next Local Plan (LP) takes affect from 2031 and is already in preparation by the District Council so we have set a target of 5 years to complete the NP to give time for it to be included in this plan and give us that voice.

Save the date

A village meeting is to be held on Monday 28 March in the Village Hall at 7pm (Covid permitting). Do please try and come along to have your say, ask questions, raise issues, offer suggestions and hopefully volunteer to help put this NP together. There is a lot of work to consider, covering all aspects of village life from housing to education, environment to transport, recreation and future aspirations. We will need active participation.

After the meeting a questionnaire will be circulated to every home. What shall we include? Please come along and give us your thoughts.

Stonesfield Neighbourhood Plan (SNP) Steering Group

Richard Morris