WOC offers larger recyling bins at no cost

West Oxfordshire residents wanting to recycle more can now swap to a larger recycling wheelie bin for free. The current blue-lidded wheelie bin for recycling materials is a standard 240 litre size, but the new larger bin, at 360 litres, offers 50% more capacity. Cllr...

Planning news

Government unveils major change to National Planning Policy Framework Local planning departments should use household projections from 2014 when assessing housing need, as the government signalled major revisions to the standard method and the National Planning Policy...

Monthly planning news

Consultation opens on National Parks review Environment secretary Michael Gove and writer Julian Glover have called for evidence to support the review of national parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs)....

Phone mast activation

Shared Access (the installers of the telephone mast) have inform us that the commissioning date for the phone mast has slipped until the 8/9th of November

They want access to your computer!

Beware of callers trying to access your computer. Please warn those vulnerable persons to save them getting hacked and spread the word. Here is the story of a Stonesfield resident. I received 2 calls saying they were BT and my line was being hacked and I was going to...