Theft of car number plates

A message was received about a theft of car number plates on 28th March as follows. “I parked at Stonesfield common, which I do on a regular basis, to walk my dog. I live in Freeland. On return to the car after about an hour I discovered that both plates had been...

Be ready for 2nd May

Make sure you’re registered to vote in time for the local elections on 2nd May On Thursday 2nd May residents in 16 of the 27 wards, including Stonesfield, in West Oxfordshire will go to the polls to have their say on who represents them at a local level. Local...

Notice of local Elections on Thursday 2 May 2019.

Attached are details for the local District and Parish Council elections on 2nd May. Nomination Papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, at the Electoral Services Office, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxon, OX28 1NB, on Monday to Friday between 9am to...

Stonesfield cleans up

Sunday morning and the sun shone over Stonesfield. About 40 Stonesfield residents turned out for the Great British Spring Clean, assembling at the Sports & Social Club. After a short Health and Safety briefing from Jess Hubard we divided ourselves into five...

Over one million

A large number of Stonesfield residents travelled to London on Saturday morning to join over one million other people on the ‘People’s Vote’ march on 23rd March. Trains from Oxford were packed with Oxfordshire residents who wanted to make their voices heard in London....

Become a Parish Councillor

This May elections will be held for Stonesfield Parish Council. Parish Councillors must be 18 or over, on the electoral role and live or work in, or within three miles, of the village. No previous experience is necessary, just and interest in making a difference in...

Reduce your plastic ‘footprint’!

Plastics are valuable materials and for most people becoming “plastic free” is not completely realistic. Therefore the aim has to be to move towards a circular economy, where materials are used sparingly, over and over again without losing their value. At the same...

SAFER starts clean up

SAFER volunteers have been cleaning all road traffic signs in Stonesfield Above is a sign in Greenfield Road and below is after the clean – revealing it was a warning for the bend! Other signs were almost a bad and some could not be properly clean up or were damaged....